
I am looking to recruit 1-2 MSc and PhD students for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Deadlines: December 15, 2024 (MSc); January 10, 2025 (PhD)

The deadlines for the MSc and PhD programs at UBC Geography are typically in mid-December and January, respectively. Interested students should fill out this Google Form before they apply. I will then email strong applicants to set up a brief Zoom / Skype chat. Strong applicants will have some experience in coding (e.g., R, python, Google Earth Engine) and conducting research in environmental science, atmospheric science, geography, applied math, and/or computer science and at least some coursework or training in these topics. Competitive Ph.D. applicants should have completed independent research that is published or moving toward publication in reputable peer-reviewed journals.

If you are unable to access the Google Form, please email me (tianjia.liu [at] ubc.ca) with [Prospective Student Inquiry] in the email subject line and include the following:

MSc and PhD students in UBC Geography are guaranteed funding through research and teaching assistantships, fellowships, awards, and department funds. I encourage Canadian citizens and permanent residents to apply for NSERC graduate fellowships (MSc, PhD). I will assist with applications for these programs and other relevant external funding programs. I currently do not have guaranteed funding for postdocs, but I would be happy to assist with applications for UBC and NSERC postdoctoral fellowship programs.

For international students, please note that UBC Geography has requirements on English proficiency: TOEFL (score ≥ 100), IEFLTS (score ≥ 7). There are also several other ways to meet this requirement.

FAQs by Graduate Student Applicants

Are you planning on taking any new graduate students this year?

Yes, I am actively recruiting graduate students (MSc and PhD in Geography) starting in Fall 2025. I highly encourage you to write to me before the application deadline, as noted above. For competitive applicants, I will then reach out and schedule a short Zoom meeting. Note that PhD applicants typically enter the program with a Master's degree. The MSc program is 2 years, and the PhD program is 4 years (+additional time if needed). Stay tuned for information about the next application cycle for Fall 2026.

Why UBC Geography?

UBC and its Geography department are highly ranked globally. The Geography department has faculty and students studying a diverse range of topics in human and physical geography and has deep ties to other departments such as IRES (Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability), EOAS (Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences), and Forestry. Given the severity of recent wildfire seasons in British Columbia and across North America, the research focus of the EMBRS lab on fires and smoke is highly relevant.

What are the most important factors for admission? What do you look for in applicants?

The most important factor is research experience ‒ this can be through undergraduate or graduate research assistantships, writing theses, presenting at conferences, and being a co-author or first author on peer-reviewed papers. It is equally important to articulate your research interests within the context of the research in my lab and what you hope to do with a MSc or PhD degree and how it fits within your future career goals. Other factors I take into strong consideration are academic records (i.e., grades), particularly in math, science, and writing, your statement of purpose, and recommendation letters. Experience in GIS, coding, and statistics certainly help but these skills can be developed. I do however expect a willingness to learn and you to put in consistent effort. That said, when reviewing applications, I prioritize applicants who have had a Zoom call with me beforehand.

What are your expectations for graduate students?

I expect graduate students to lead at least 1 project (MSc) or 2-3 projects (PhD), each culminating in a first-author peer-reviewed paper.  I will support students to present their work at at least 1 conference. I expect students to attend weekly group meetings, individual meetings, and department seminars ‒ be collegial, inquisitive, prompt, and open to feedback.

When is the deadline for applications? When will I hear back about my application?

The deadlines for the MSc and PhD programs at UBC Geography are typically in mid-December and January, respectively. You will hear back about a decision sometime between the end of February and the beginning of March. 

What financial support can I expect?

MSc and PhD students in UBC Geography are guaranteed funding through a variety of sources. We guarantee a minimum of $26,000 per year for our graduate students, but I top up this minimum amount from my grants, which increases this stipend to $37,000 per year.  The amount can be higher if you are awarded a 4YF or NSERC fellowship.

Funding packages often include teaching and research assistantships and Graduate Support Initiative (GSI) Awards. Other specific sources include the 4-Year Fellowships (4YF) for PhD students, International Tuition Awards (ITA), and BPOC Graduate Excellence Awards. While graduate students must pay fees and tuition (MSc, PhD), awards such as 4YF and ITA offset the tuition cost. Generally, RA-ships, GSI, and fellowships are not taxable (unlike in the US), while TA-ships are.

I encourage Canadian citizens and permanent residents to apply for the NSERC graduate fellowships (MSc, PhD) and would be happy to assist with these applications.

What is it like to live in Vancouver?

Vancouver is a beautiful, metropolitan, and multi-cultural city with unique access to the trifecta of forests, mountains, and the ocean. UBC's Vancouver Campus is located in Point Grey, which has beaches within walking distance and has the feel of a quiet, suburban area. There's something for everyone to do, whether it's outdoor activities like skiing, biking, and hiking or indoor activities like going to museums, hockey games, and concerts. Public transportation is accessible with frequent buses and SkyTrains. With the SkyTrain, you can go to downtown, Burnaby, or Richmond. Vancouver is very rainy but has one of the mildest climates in Canada - spring and summer are especially gorgeous here. However, note that the cost of living in Vancouver is quite high, similar to major cities like Toronto, LA, and NYC.

FAQs by Undergraduate Students

Can undergraduate students work in the lab?

Yes! Interested undergraduates should contact me via email. I hope to support work learn opportunities in the future. Undergraduate students will typically start with data curation and analysis. For students who then stay in the lab and wish to pursue independent projects, I highly recommend applying for the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) (Note: Canadian citizens and permanent residents only).

FAQs by Postdoc Applicants

Are you taking any postdocs?

I currently do not have funding for postdocs. However, I would be happy to assist with fellowship applications such as for UBC Killam and NSERC Banting.



tianjia.liu [at] ubc.ca

Address:1984 West MallGEOG 242BDepartment of GeographyUniversity of British Columbia, Vancouver CampusVancouver, BC Canada, V6T 1Z2Links:UBC GeographyUBC Geography Faculty ProfileUBC Atmospheric Science Core Faculty & Instructors