
GEOS_V 370: Advanced Geographical Information Science
Winter Term 2 (2024/25), T/R 2-3:30 PM
Winter Term 1  (2025/26), TBD
[Course website]

Theoretical and practical aspects of Geographic Information Systems, including cartographic modeling, digital terrain models, management issues, and spatial interpolation. Recommended pre-requisites: Third-year standing in ENSC, GEOG, ENST, URST, or GEOS (or GEOB) specializations, with some introductory knowledge of GIS.

GEOS_V 200: Atmospheric Environments
Winter Term 1 (2025/26), TBD

Physical principles underlying weather and climates. Thermal, moisture and wind climates from the scale of plants and animals to the globe. Daily weather systems and climate change. Credit will be granted for only one of GEOS (or GEOB) 200, GEOS (or GEOB) 204, or APBI 244. Recommended pre-requisites: one of GEOS 102, GEOB 102, or second-year standing in science.